Sunday, November 9, 2008

What a sweet memory...or just a mind play?

Today is November 9th.

Last updated: October 11th. Ok la Cik jiran sebelah... less than a month :D

I wanted to share this memory I have actually. I had it about 2 weeks ago (I think) when I was lying in bed.

I was asleep. Soundly. At night. I dreamt about shopping with my mom and my lil sis (two most wonderful girls I have in my life... can't live without them 2... including my big sis of course). In that dream, I was so happy... thinking that I haven't spoken to my mom for quite some time. And I can actually feel it in my 'real life' heart. Seriously. Coz it was so vivid.

Then, I had a dream of another friend. A friend whom I haven't spoken to since 6 months ago. A friend that usually I'm not close to, never close to. But I cherish her presence... Well, in that dream, we were actually talking... a very x1000 friendly talk (I can't remember about what) but basically, we both were laughing, and the feeling was as if we have known each other for years... without any conflicts between us. I was elated in that dream. I was happy. She was happy. She was laughing and smiling... I was even happier.


It was merely a dream.

That did not happen in real life.

It was a mind play.

Will it ever? I don't know. I pray for it.

Only Allah knows...

"O Allah, if it's for the best, let it happen with ease..." Ameen.


Kauthar said...

Heheheheh~ :P...Okla tuh~ as an elder blogger, you should show good examples to younger blogger lik eme...:P

Anonymous said...

ahaha.. ye la tu 'young'!! young la sangat.. padahal blog de dulu lame dah. ahaks. bru je nak aktif. kui3

xpe kauthar, istiqamah memberi perigatan! amin. hehe

Little Mo-On said...


sekali semenanye blog die lg lame dr kt punye... hahaha