Thursday, March 13, 2008


Futur...(no, I didn't misspell future)

This is what I'm afraid off. The holiday's coming. No more studies. No more going here and there, bz buzzing around.

So much time???

I am scared of being relaxed. What am I doing when I'm relaxing? Am I wasting time? Or am I doing what is necessary? What IS necessary??

Isk isk isk... jgnlah aku futur...

Jgnlah aku futur...

When the Enzymes Saturate...

So, when the enzyme saturate, Vmax is reached, all of the active site are fully occupied. That leaves me : Simply saturated!!

It's Thursday, my most awaited day. Know y?? Bcoz it's the last day of the term!!!! I just can't believe that I've survived two terms here in Leeds Uni... yg ala-ala KMB gitu.. nonetheless, I survived the two-year treacherous torture in KMB successfully (alhamdulillah!), why can't I do the same here?? Plus, having had 2 years experience, 5 years would b nothing, innit?


But, before I can enjoy my Spring Days (which include spring cleaning of my 'den') [eh, den is solely for pigs ah?? hope not!) I have formative exams coming. And it's integrated! And I have exactly 3 hours before my battle. Aiyah, but this one is just like fighting with a plastic sword.

There's a risk, but you won't get killed.

A reason for me not studying??


I felt so guilty. I don't wanna study for the sake of the exams. I want to study coz I want to, I need to. However, when I flipped (just flipping.. not exactly reading) through my notes (BMS from last term), I don't have a clue what it says... So I flipped through a few, then moved to I&P, read the first sentence, on my bed, and suddenly (and intentionally) dozed off.


Guilty as I can be, I'm praying hard Allah doesn't take His rahmah away. He gave me peace during and after my Transport Summative...Please Allah, don't take it away. I need it all the time...

So, Transport done. But I should not forget that there's more in the future.

Right after the exams, my sweet uti gave me a piece of the Qur'an (not literally)

"Verily, with every difficulty there is relief. Therefore, when thou art free (from thine immediate task), still labour hard, And to thy Lord turn (all) thy attention." (Ad-Dhuha 94: 6-8)

O Allah, I know you have plans for me...I know it's the best for me. Please don't let me go.. Don't let me go away...

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Sekolah Angkatku...

This is a younger sibling of my school. Sekolah Rendah Islam Al-Amin Kuala Terengganu. It is a home (I mean home!) to young aspiring students. Currently, we are collecting money and equipments to fund the school's project to improve amenities and also to build a permanent school complex. We have the land, now we need the pegs, piles and walls.

Hence, I'm calling everyone to come forward and support this school... It reminds me of the school I went to, the school that shaped me into who I am today... my sweetest memories were there.

How many of you still thinks about you old school?? Primary school may not be significant but truthfully, that's where you learn most and had the joyous moments in life (I remembered spanking my classmates for being so naughty!! Hahaha)

Anyhow, donations can be made online... (UK residents)
Name : Miss S N A Ibrahim
Account no : 61631691
Sort code : 402729
Reference : Sekolah Angkat AlAmin

And for Malaysia...
Untuk keterangan lanjut, sila hubungi:
  1. Abdul Aziz bin Abdullah (Pengerusi ALP – Tel: 013-9837079)
  2. Ahmad Sabri bin Mohd. Yazid (Timb. Pengerusi ALP – Tel: 019-9880424)
  3. Rosidi bin Ali (Setiausaha ALP – Tel: 012-9588916)
  4. Munawar bin Mohamad (Guru Besar SRIAAKT – Tel: 013-9273557)
  5. SRIAAKT (Pejabat – Tel/Faks: 09-6662061)
And in case anyone has any questions, please feel free to email

Further details, click here.

Indeed, Allah will reward those who sacrifice their lives and wealth in the path of Jihad, with the Everlasting Heaven and all the bounty in it... Subhanallah...

[sorry, lupe plak ayat mane satu..]

Diary Earthquake...

This was suppose to be my premier post for MSM North West blog. However, since it was written at 2am in the morning, it didn't get posted since everyone else was asleep or at least, the person I tried to contact was offline. So, here it is... (a bit outdated.. I know.. but that's the point. The point is to ponder upon each and every event that happens in our lives...-tetibe rase mcm PPD exercise plaks...)

Tepat pukul 12.56, gegarannya dirasakan amat kuat. Adakah ia kerana angin yang sudah beberapa hari menyatakan hasrat ingin menjadikan kami ’superman’? Namun, angin tidak bersuara malam ini.

Rumahku bagai didodoi ke depan, ke belakang, membuatkan aku yang sedang lena terjaga. Terkejut. Angin? Tiada bunyi? Pelik.

Gegaran dirasakan selama 7 saat. Aku sudah membayangkan yang terburuk. Bolehkah ia terjadi di negara maju ini? Bolehkah ia terjadi di sebuah negara makmur dan tenang?

Setelah seketika, benarlah apa yang ku sangka. Gegaran yang benar berskala 4.7 di skala Richter.

Click here for details.

Astaghfirullah... mungkin ianya satu peringatan dari Yang Maha Esa. Hanya dengan sedikit gegaran, jantungku bagai nak berehat. Apetah lagi apabila digegarkan oleh Al-Zilzal? Apetah lagi apabila Bumi mendatangkan khabarnya? Nauzubillah...sungguh tak ingin aku berda di situ.

Dengan nama Allah Yang Maha Pengasih, lagi Maha Penyayang.

  1. Apabila bumi digoncangkan dengan goncangan yang dahsyat
  2. dan bumi telah mengeluarkan beban-beban (yang dikandungnya) yang berat
  3. dan, manusia bertanya, ”Apa yang terjadi dengan bumi ini?”
  4. Pada hari itu bumi menyampaikan beritanya,
  5. kerana sesungguhnya Tuhanmu telah memerintahkan(yang demikian itu) kepadanya
  6. Pada hari itu manusia keluar dari kuburnya dalam keadaan berkelompok-kelompok, untuk diperlihatkan kepada meraka (balasan) semua perbuatannya
  7. Maka barang siapa mengerjakan kebaikan sebesar zarah, nescaya dia akan melihat (balasan)nya
  8. dan barang siapa mengerjakan kejahatan sebesar zarah, nescaya dia akan melihat (balasan)nya

Al-Zalzalah (99: 1-8)

Marilah sama-sama kita beristighfar... renungkan kejadian alam yang sesungguhnya, merupakan peringatan bagi mereka yang peduli...
